West Ramp - August 18, 2012
West Ramp Map - location Dixie West
7745 19th Street
Lot #45
Lubbock, Texas
(806) 438-7321
Dixie West residence Ramp build
Dixie West threshold Dixie's threshold
View from the West driveway Straight run
toward the van.
Ramp to run from picture spot to past the front of the van Hand rail will
be removed
Make over for the West porch Steps will be
left in place, the
ramp will run
parallel to the
West ramp - mid project 75% complete
John Laine at the West ramp project John Laine
Action photo
West ramp project nearing completion, 90-95% Cleanup left to
Cleanup/pickup left to do Break time - only
90f today.
Going UP the West ramp Need to tie in
to the upper
hand rail of the
existing porch.
Going DOWN the West ramp Ramp 99%

Dixie West being pushed by son Bob West Bob West (son)
trying out the
West Ramp with
Requesting a hug of appreciation Commeere and
gimme a hug!
John Spurgeon
John Spurgeon!
West ramp survey/completion sheet Survey and